Caring Connections was an inter-Lutheran online journal for practitioners and teachers of pastoral care and counseling that was published from 2004 to 2025. This journal was of particular interest to chaplains, pastoral counselors, seminary and academic faculty, clinical educators, synod and district leaders, and concerned pastors.
Caring Connections – Vol 22 Issue 1:
Endings, Blessings and Imaginings
Caring Connections – Vol 21 Issue 1:
Change and Changing
Caring Connections – Vol 21 Issue 2:
Our Lutheran Identity in a Changing World
Caring Connections – Vol 21 Issue 3:
Mentor and Mentee: Sources of Influence and Growth
Caring Connections – Vol 20 Issue 1:
Ethical Moments
Caring Connections – Vol 20 Issue 2:
Navigating Changing Gender Norms
Caring Connections – Vol 20 Issue 3:
Books That Have Made a Difference
Caring Connections – Vol 20 Issue 4:
20 Years of Creating Caring Connections
Caring Connections – Vol 19 Issue 1:
Technology as Opportunity and Challenge in Pandemic Times and Beyond
Caring Connections – Vol 19 Issue 2:
Sacred Sorrow, Healing Rites
Caring Connections – Vol 19 Issue 3:
Fed on the Journey: Diverse Ways We Gain Nourishment
Caring Connections – Vol 19 Issue 4:
Ethical Pathways, Moral Dilemmas
Caring Connections – Vol 18 Issue 1:
Specialized Ministries and Their Relationship to the Institutional Church and its Structure
Caring Connections – Vol 18 Issue 2:
Partnering for Spiritual Care
Caring Connections – Vol 18 Issue 3:
Pastoral Care and Healing Arts
Caring Connections – Vol 18 Issue 4:
Daily Bread for the Journey
Caring Connections – Vol 17 Issue 1:
Ministering to a Diverse and Polarized Culture
Caring Connections – Vol 17 Issue 2:
Sacraments and Ritual in Chaplaincy
Caring Connections – Vol 17 Issue 3:
Reflections About Racial Justice
Caring Connections – Vol 17 Issue 4:
Banes and Blessings of COVID-19
Caring Connections – Vol 16 Issue 1:
Ministry and Suicide
Discovering Evidence-Based Chaplaincy
Caring Connections – Vol 16 Issue 3:
The Future of Faith-based Healthcare
Caring Connections – Vol 16 Issue 4:
Yearnings for Holy Justice
Caring Connections – Vol 15 Issue 1:
Ministry in Times of Disaster
Caring Connections – Vol 15 Issue 2:
Embodying Holy Joy
Caring Connections – Vol 15 Issue 3:
The Opioid Epidemic and Addictions
Caring Connections – Vol 15 Issue 4:
Caring for Mental Health
Caring Connections – Vol 14 Issue 1:
Zion XVI–Lutheran Accents in Specialized Pastoral Ministry
Caring Connections – Vol 14 Issue 2:
Caring Connections – Vol 14 Issue 3:
A Ministry of Accompaniment with the Dying
Caring Connections – Vol 14 Issue 4:
Pediatric Care and Consolation
Caring Connections – Vol 13 Issue 1:
A Brief History of Lutheran Ministries in Chaplaincy, Pastoral Counseling and Clinical Education – Part 2
Caring Connections – Vol 13 Issue 2:
Back to the Future: Chaplaincy, Pastoral Counseling and Clinical Education
Caring Connections – Vol 13 Issue 3:
Ministries of Management and Leadership
Caring Connections – Vol 13 Issue 4:
Practices of Prayer
Caring Connections – Vol 12 Issue 1:
Christus in Mundo Awardees
Caring Connections – Vol 12 Issue 2:
A Brief History of Lutherans in Ministries of Chaplaincy, Pastoral Counseling and Clinical Education – Part 1
Caring Connections – Vol 11 Issue 1:
Zion XV – Conversation in Community
Caring Connections – Vol 11 Issue 2:
Advance Directives
Caring Connections – Vol 11 Issue 3:
Ministry with People in the Second Half of Life – Part One
Caring Connections – Vol 11 Issue 4:
Ministry with People in the Second Half of Life – Part Two
Caring Connections – Vol 10 Issue 1:
Light in the Darkness: Hope, Resilience and Moral Injury
Caring Connections – Vol 10 Issue 2:
Violating Boundaries: Improprieties in Ministry
Caring Connections – Vol 10 Issue 3:
Torn Apart: Pastoral Care Responses to Community Violence
Caring Connections – Vol 10 Issue 4:
Pastoral Involvement with Violence within Families
Caring Connections – Vol 9 Issue 1:
Pastoral Care and Criminal Justice
Caring Connections – Vol 9 Issue 2:
Pastoral Care and Suicide
Caring Connections – Vol 8 Issue 1:
Zion XIV: Firm Foundations
Caring Connections – Vol 8 Issue 2:
Pastoral Care and Intentional Interim Ministries
Caring Connections – Vol 8 Issue 3:
Dealing with Sacred Spaces in an Increasingly Diverse Culture
Caring Connections – Vol 7 Issue 1:
Lutheran Endorsement Process for Specialized Ministries
Caring Connections – Vol 7 Issue 2:
Pastoral Care and Dementia
Caring Connections – Vol 7 Issue 3:
Pastoral Care and Parish Nursing
Caring Connections – Vol 7 Issue 4:
Pastoral Care and Addictions
Caring Connections – Vol 6 Issue 1:
Serving the Suffering; Serving the Servant
Caring Connections – Vol 6 Issue 2:
Disaster Response and Pastoral Care
Caring Connections – Vol 6 Issue 3:
Forgiveness and Pastoral Care
Caring Connections – Vol 5 Issue 1:
Spiritual Care and Pandemic Flu
Caring Connections – Vol 5 Issue 2:
Topics in Clinical Pastoral Education
Caring Connections – Vol 5 Issue 3:
Spiritual Care in Long-Term Care and Rehabilitation
Caring Connections – Vol 4 Issue 1:
Power and Passion for Pastoral Ministry: Biblical Metaphors and Lutheran Traditions – Zion XIII
Caring Connections – Vol 4 Issue 2:
Topics on Pastoral Counseling
Caring Connections – Vol 4 Issue 3:
Pastoral Care among Returning Veterans
Caring Connections – Vol 3 Issue 1:
Ritual and Pastoral Care
Caring Connections – Vol 3 Issue 2:
Ethics and Pastoral Care
Caring Connections – Vol 4 Issue 3:
Sabbath and Self-Care for Pastoral Care Providers
Caring Connections – Vol 2 Issue 1:
Spiritual Care of the Organization
Caring Connections – Vol 2 Issue 2:
Spiritual Care in a Diverse World
Caring Connections – Vol 1 Issue 1:
God and Suffering