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Today’s Front Line Hero: Bethesda Lutheran Services

November 6, 2020

By Haley Leis, Intern

Today’s Front Line Hero is Bethesda Lutheran Services for their commitment to helping and housing the next generation.

Bethesda Lutheran Services, based in Meadville, Pennsylvania, has been dedicated to helping children, youth and families by providing an individualized approach to mental and behavioral health services in residential, educational, and community-based settings for over 100 years.

November is National Adoption Month, and in celebration, Lutheran Services in America will be highlighting members dedicated to foster care and permanency services. Bethesda’s Foster Care & Permanency program aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for some of the over 14,000 children currently in Pennsylvania’s foster care system. Bethesda operates a number group and foster care homes and a network of private foster families, all dedicated to providing children with a safe and loving home.

Thank you to Bethesda for their dedication to the children and youth of their community!

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