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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio

November 24, 2020

By Emily Gross, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Luther Manor. For 60 years, Luther Manor has provided exceptional housing and care to seniors in Wauwatosa, Milwaukee, and surrounding areas in Wisconsin. Throughout 2020, staff countered the pandemic with creative ways to communicate and connect with residents. Life enrichment specialist Stephanie Rutkowski adapted community activities and communications to be in line with social distancing requirements. She adjusted Luther Manor’s in-house TV channel to provide all-day programming; developed and delivered activity books that residents could complete in their apartments; and established a new project called Hope Garden. Lisa Dawson, a licensed practical nurse in Luther Manor’s Health Care Center, continues to provide empathetic and engaging medical care that is focused on the whole person. Recently, Lisa made sure a long-time resident was able to spend her birthday virtually with family. Volunteer specialist Rachel Miers has stepped in wherever help is needed, all while posting encouraging notes for staff to see as they go about their day.

The entire team at Luther Manor has put on safe and fun community events fit for the season. In early October, staff took residents out for a drive to view the autumn leaves and enjoy fall-themed treats. They also hosted an entire week of Halloween activities, where residents painted “pumpkin portraits,” participated in a raffle, played Halloween bingo, and listened to a live music broadcast on their own in-house channel. In November, Luther Manor aired a special Veteran’s Day ceremony featuring one of their residents playing “Taps” on trumpet. And looking forward to the holidays, the team is putting on “Love Lights,” a program in which donors dedicate a light on a Christmas tree in honor or memory of a loved one.

Luther Manor’s dedication to residents is exemplified by outstanding programs and people. Thank you to Stephanie, Lisa, Rachel, and the rest of the staff for providing such outstanding support to residents in your care!

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