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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lyngblomsten

August 31, 2020

shBy Caitlyn Gudmundsen, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lyngblomsten, which held a virtual performance of Cabaret with its residents, bringing joy to the community.

Lyngblomsten serves older adults and their families in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN through healthcare, housing, and community-based services. For more than a century, Lyngblomsten has been committed to enhancing the lives of older adults and walking the journey with their loved ones. As a Christian non-profit, Lyngblomsten partners with more than two dozen congregations across the Twin Cities and provides a continuum of care to meet holistic needs of older adults.

The residents at Lyngblomsten had planned to participate in a performance of the musical Cabaret this summer, but the COVID-19 pandemic meant they could not rehearse together or perform in person. The residents decided that the show must go on, and transitioned the performance to a virtual setting. With the help of teaching artists from the History Theatre in St. Paul, residents were able to use technology to practice virtually, and posted the full hour and ten-minute musical on YouTube for the community to enjoy.

Congrats to the residents of Lyngblomsten on your performance of Cabaret and thank you for bringing talent and entertainment to your community!

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