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Today’s Front Line Hero: National Lutheran Communities & Services (NLCS)

August 21, 2020


By Caitlyn Gudmundsen, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach 

Today’s Front Line Hero is National Lutheran Communities & Services, which is leading the way in making a plan for the post-COVID-19 era.

National Lutheran Communities & Services (NLCS) is a non-profit that inspires and supports choice and opportunity in partnership with older adults. NLCS is headquartered in Rockville, MD, and provides services across the mid-Atlantic region, including Delaware, Maryland, the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area, and Virginia.

COVID-19 has forced senior service providers to make huge adjustments to their daily work to keep seniors safe. In May of this year, thought leaders in the senior services industry came together on the International Council on Active Aging Task Force to lead senior living transformation after COVID-19, and discuss how senior services should adjust after the pandemic. Cyndi Walters, COO at NLCS, joined that task force, which includes representatives from for-profit, non-profit, and affordable housing organizations that provide services to seniors. Cyndi recognizes that going forward, senior living will not return to its previous way of operating, and senior living communities need to be proactive and ready to adapt.

The industry leaders are working together on how to safely continue providing care to seniors while keeping communities safe, and the task force is generating ideas, tactics, strategies, and messaging for organizations to consider as they plan for serving seniors in a post-COVID-19 era.

Thank you to NLCS for your ongoing commitment to seniors, and for serving as leaders in the industry as we consider life after the pandemic!

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