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Today’s Front Line Hero: The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society

October 7, 2020

By Caitlyn Gudmundsen, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach 

Today’s Front Line Hero is the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, who is innovating to provide high quality wound care through the pandemic.

The Society provides care in 26 states, including services for seniors, home health care, and rehab/skilled care. Through the COVID-19 pandemic and the precautions it has required, the Society has been intentional not to lose sight of clinical priorities, and successfully implemented telemedicine in areas such as wound care and behavioral health. The Society purchased 1,000 iPads at the beginning of the pandemic so skilled nursing facilities could engage in virtual visits, allowing patients to stay home and avoid exposure to the virus. Other adaptations in recent years, such as cushioning wheelchairs, are also helping ease skin conditions for wound care patients, and preventing the need for additional in-person care.

The Society’s staff is wholly committed to the well-being of patients, and an excellent example of commitment to service is Greg Wilcox. Greg retired this week after 32 years of service at the Society, and most recently served as VP of Mission Integration and Senior Pastor. One of Greg’s greatest joys was helping provide inspiration and resources to those who live and work in the Society so they could experience God’s love. Greg is deeply rooted in the history and mission of the Society, as his grandfather founded it in 1922. Greg, you are so appreciated and will be deeply missed!

Thank you to the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society for your ongoing commitment to patients’ well-being!

Photo: Greg Wilcox (far right) pictured with cousin, Mark Jerstad, and grandparents, Amelia and August “Dad” Hoeger.”

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